PEAK Rewards Program
We're better together in this rewarding experience!
Ready to take things to the next level? Enjoy better rates, fewer fees, and more when you maximize your relationship with TAPCO.*
Save 0.25%** on the interest rate for specific TAPCO loans
Earn 0.25%*** more on our Certificates
Get $250 off the typical appraisal fee
We won't charge you for using someone else's ATM

What does it take to reach the PEAK?
Just have three TAPCO accounts and a combined balance of $20,000 in loans and deposits* to be eligible for all those rewards, plus these:
- $20 discount on Gold Rewards Fee
- Free TAPCO Gift Cards
- Free Money Orders
- Free CU Checks
- Free Debit and Credit Card Replacement
*Qualifying relationship is one individual membership or household membership with three unique account types and a minimum aggregate balance of $20,000 in loans and deposits. Account types include checking, savings, CD, Money Market, IRA, Visa, Signature loan, auto loan, RV, boat, motorcycle, and Home Equity loans. Third party mortgages to not qualify. If your account types or balances decrease below the minimum qualifiers, your rewards status will not change for up to 30 days.
**Loan discount does not apply to Visa, Real Estate, or Member Business Loans. Mortgage appraisal fee discount does not apply to third party mortgages. Applies only to new loans. All loans subject to approval.
***Rate increase valid on new CDs.
†Non-TAPCO surcharge fee may apply.